Thursday, January 2, 2020

Best 2020 - Marijuana Cultivation Reconsidered: The Science and Techniques For Huge Indoor Yields (MJAdvisor Book 2)

Best Crafts 2020 ✔ Marijuana Cultivation Reconsidered: The Science and Techniques For Huge Indoor Yields (MJAdvisor Book 2). 


Read Spear Hobbies & Home This dude is on the level. A lot of the mainstream, peppy growers might disagree with his theorys, but not me. I've actually figured some of this stuff out already, but after reading this book, now I know why it is, and what makes it so. Like the chapter on flushing. I stopped flushing in '06. I knew it was a load of crap, everyone got out there no bibles and showed me where I was wrong. WHAT'S UP NOW? Now I Gott a book too aholez, where you all at. Don't be shy, step forward knowitall flushers! Be proud to who you are. I got back up now so let's get down fools. And I'll tell you all another thing,Some of the best POT I've ever smoked had seeds in it!!! Choke on it.

Best Read Spear Hobbies & Home I gave this 5 stars because more weren't available. It deserves 10 out of 5.Hands down the best cultivation book I've come across and among the best informational books I've ever read.Beware, this is not for someone that want's a grow cookbook. Read Spear will educate you on the reasons behind why things are done, after presenting what they are. He backs up all of his information with quality sources and lets you know when what he says is just his opinion.I've bought and read a number of pot growing guides and reference books, but this was, with out a doubt, the best book I've gotten, and ironically the least expensive (in some cases by a factor of over six).My only wish, is this were in physical print. I would love to keep a copy on my bookshelf.

Read Spear Hobbies & Home From a scientific viewpoint, this book is great. Detailed explanations of PAR, lux, lumens, etc. So if that's what youre looking for then this is the book for you.Noticeably absent, however, are any details regarding different light cycles, feeding/watering cycles, automated systems, appropriate YPF for each plant, etc. Section 2 was a bit too short. Section 3 was phenomenal for those interested in the details.

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