Saturday, January 4, 2020

Best 2020 - Advanced Guide to Hydroponics (Soilless Cultivation)

Best 2020 ✔ Advanced Guide to Hydroponics (Soilless Cultivation). 


James Sholto Douglas

Best James Sholto Douglas  

James Sholto Douglas  I highly recommend this book. It is skillfully written with clear, unambiguous language and is loaded with practical information, great illustrations, and excellent case studies. Don't let the fact it was printed in 1985 or the fact it has the word "advanced" in the title prevent you from buying it.Here's the table of contents:1. Growth Without Soil2. Systems and Methods3. Practical Crop Physiology4. The Site5. Layout6. Water Culture7. Sand Culture8. Aggregate Culture9. Sub-irrigation10. Miscellaneous Techniques11. Special Equipment12. Water Supply13. Mixtures14. Usage and Applications15. Planting16. Daily Work17. General Cultivation18. Deficiencies19. Vegetable Growing20. Floriculture21. Plantation and Other Crops22. Solution Testing23. Tissue Test Procedures24. The Influence of Hydroponics25. Costs and Returns26. Additional Information

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